By Sanctuary Director Andrea Davis
Photos Courtesy of Broken Shovels
Published Issue 083, November 2020
Within the first couple years of operating a marginally successful goat dairy, there were many enlightening moments that drew me further and further from a dairy and found many cracks in my ideas that I could change the industry from within. Having a clearer view of long-termed relationships and animal families, it was no longer a satisfactory answer to breed goats to produce milk and eventually rehome their children, even into pet homes, and feel that I was doing my best good. More research into the environmental impact of animal agriculture and its effect on world hunger led me to veganism. In 2014, my staff and I went vegan and began to immerse ourselves in vegan philosophy.

Realizing that running a dairy of any kind was no longer within the scope of my ethics nor compatible with being a farm animal sanctuary, we closed the dairy and instead offer the sanctuary as a refuge for abused, neglected and slaughter-bound animals to truly spread our greatest influence of kindness to human and non-human people. Broken Shovels Farm Sanctuary is located just 15 minutes north of Denver in Commerce City where people of all ages can come to meet cows, sheep and goats (just to name a few) and hopefully make a meaningful connection with those animals after hearing their stories and learn why it’s so important to end the exploitation of animals for food, entertainment or products.
Broken Shovels relies on public donations for 100 percent of their funding. Like many businesses and people personally impacted by the current pandemic, Broken Shovels needs support going into the winter months to care for and house over 400 animal residents that rely on the sanctuary for nutritious hay, mixed feedstuffs, shelter, on-going medical care and safety.
Tune in Sunday, November 15 at 4 p.m. MST on Facebook for Broken Shovel’s Thanksliving Live Benefit show to support the sanctuary and hear from local bands playing for the animals at the farm.