Krysti Joméi

Broken Shovels Farm Sanctuary’s Live Thanksliving Benenfit Show

BROKEN SHOVELS’ THANKSLIVING BENEFIT SHOW By Sanctuary Director Andrea Davis Photos Courtesy of Broken Shovels Published Issue 083, November 2020 Within the first couple years of operating a marginally successful goat dairy, there were many enlightening moments that drew me further and further from a dairy and found many cracks in my ideas that I […]

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100 Days by Jonny DeStefano

The Kobold: Joel Tagert

THE KOBOLD By Joel Tagert Art by Jonny DeStefano Published Issue 082, October 2020 “Why did you bring her?” Collin asked as they got out of their vehicles beside the barn, frowning at the six-year-old girl hiding behind Alicia’s purple-velvet cloak.  “Don’t be a dick,” Alicia said. “She’s my cousin and no one else could

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Queen of Limbz by Brian Serway

Queen of Limbz: Brian Serway

QUEEN OF LIMBZ By Brian Serway Published Issue 082, October 2020 Brian Serway was born in southwest Virginia, grew up there and in southern Florida, and currently lives in Johnson City, Tennessee. He was raised by his mother who was an impressionistic oil painter, and encouraged him to create from a very young age Growing

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Scarecrows: Joshua Viola

SCARECROWS By Joshua Viola Art by Aaron Lovett Published Issue 082, October 2020 Scarecrows was previously published in Nightmares Unhinged: Twenty Tales of Terror (2015, Hex Publishers). ‡ “That’s mine,” Cody said, hoping he sounded tough — if he did, maybe he wouldn’t have to fight them. “Give it back.” “Newbie wants his little cap back,” Rich,

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Gojira: Peter Glanting

GOJIRA By Peter Glanting Published Issue 082 October 2020 GODZILLA (ゴジラ, GOJIRA) Like so many of Godzilla’s friends and foes, Godzilla themself comes from mysterious origins. In the words of Wikipedia: “generally depicted as an enormous, violent, prehistoric sea monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation.” You can’t say fairer than that.  MOTHRA (モスラ, MOSURA) When

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Spidey Senses by Tyler Davis

Spidey Sense: Tyler Davis

SPIDEY SENSES By Tyler Davis Published Issue 082, October 2020 Tyler Davis was born and raised in beautiful Boulder, CO where he spends most of his time making art and being creative while enjoying nature with his bulldog, Amy. At an early age, people in his life always nurtured his artistic side and encouraged him

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