The Meeting Place by Nick Flook

The Meeting Place by Nick Flook aka Flock

The Meeting Place
By Nick Flook aka Flooko

Published Issue 128, August 2024

Nick Flook aka Flooko is “the O.G astronaut painter” and takes his fans on adventures through original acrylic paintings and animations. This Toronto-based artist specializes in surrealism, space-themed work and impressionistic city and landscapes. See more of his work on his site and follow him on Instagram for more work.

Check out Nick’s July Birdy install, Stream of Thought, or head to our Explore section to see more of his work.

1 thought on “The Meeting Place by Nick Flook”

  1. Pingback: Jealous Sunbeams by Daniel 'DL' Landes | Art by Nick Flook - BIRDY MAGAZINE

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